Feb 2, 2007


There are two reasons why I haven't been posting lately. One, I can't connect to Blogger properly. Anything Google-related on my end has been having problems. There are times when I can't log on to GMail, Google Docs and Blogger. Two, I've been doing a lot of writing lately, more than I've ever done since I wrote my first article for PC Mag Philippines, which I'd like to mark as my semi-professional writing birthday. I'm not going to go through history, but right now I'm doing regular work for two blogs and one website, then semi-regular stuff for three magazines. I'm not bragging. I just thought about it earlier today and never really imagined that it would get this far. Don't get me wrong, I like what I'm doing. It's just that all the writing has kept me from updating this blog, which shouldn't really be an excuse since this is where I practiced my writing.

Part of the problem is that I really don't know what to do with this site. It started out as a personal blog that turned into an online notepad and then became a gaming-related website. My most popular posts so far have been the guides for Final Fantasy XII, which was fun to write. I'm currently writing another guide for a different game (Dawn of War: Dark Crusade) that I'll hopefully be able to post here as well.

My friends are going back to school to get post-graduate degrees. I thought about it for a while then told them that it would be impossible for me to keep my writing and my gaming if I go back to school. With my job, writing, gaming and school, something will definitely have to give.

That's it for updates. I consider myself a semi-professional writer/blogger since I'm not into this full-time. It's one hell of a ride though.

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