Feb 5, 2007

Dark Crusade: Tau Campaign Mode Guide 2

Playing Defense

One of the things you have to remember is that your provinces can be invaded by your foes. While you can choose to resolve such things automatically, I recommend that you fight it out so your commander can earn wargear.

When one of your provinces is invaded, any of the structures that you built the last time you were there will still be there. The key to resolving these invasions quickly is to build everything you need before you win a province. Let's say you're in the Agamar Desert and you're on the verge of winning. Stop. Destroy everything except your opponent's HQ. From that point, start building all of the structures you need and upgrade your listening posts. You may also want to capture additional strategic points and build listening posts on those as well. The point is that make sure that you have everything you need in case you need to defend that province later. When you're done, destroy your opponent's HQ to win the province. When that province gets invaded, you'll be ready because you'll have the resources and the structures needed to send your advanced units to the fray. Note that any technology available through research will have to be researched again, but at least you'll have the structures set up already.

Playing As The Tau

The Tau's strength is their range, which is pretty good in terms of power and reach. Their melee attacks are secondary, so even with the Kroot and the Vespid you're still going to have a tough time dealing with your foes if you go head-to-head with them in close combat. Always keep this in mind as you make your progress through the game.

Here's my recommended build order:

1. Create a builder unit then build a barracks.
2. Create 2 stealth teams and begin capturing strategic points.
3. Create another builder unit and build 2 plasma generators.
4. Create listening posts on the captured strategic points using the builder unit that just finished your barracks.
5. Create a fire warrior team from your barracks.

When you build your Barracks, press the F2 key immediately to set all units from that building to the Ranged Attack stance. You can also use this on the Vehicle Beacon when you build it. This way, units from those structures will engage foes within firing range but won't chase them if they flee. You don't want your Tau units to fight foes in melee. They're next to useless that way.

For starters, I recommend that you conquer the Agamar Desert first so you can get the Fire Warrior Bodyguard honor guard unit. Combine it with Pathfinders to maximize their line of sight and you've got extremely long range at the start of the game. Remember that their weapon range is longer than their line of sight, so don't forget to have some Pathfinders tag along with them. You can use this combination to annoy your enemy and prevent him from capturing strategic points. You can use a starting army of a squad of Fire Warrior Bodyguards, a squad of Fire Warriors and the Tau Commander to harass your opponent. Continue to build your base and fortify your army until your foe is defeated.

When you're done with the Agamar Desert, move your way two provinces up to get to Pavonis. Pavonis is a special province that holds the Space Port, which will allow you to go to any province on the planet except enemy strongholds. To win Pavonis, you have to find 6 Servitors on the map and keep them in your base.


To win this province you have to find 6 Servitors and keep them in your base. Your commander will keep you informed when you or your opponent finds one so keep track of things by using the counter on the right. There's a Servitor near your HQ, standing close to the upper strategic point.

Your opponent has three bases. There's one in the south corner, one in the middle and one in the northeast end. Although the map tells you to find Servitors, destroying your opponent's bases is a good strategy because it'll keep you from being overwhelmed later on. Remember, three bases equals three different armies that can gang up on you, so move quickly.

I recommend that you go after the one on the southern end first. Move your commander and your honor guard units to raid the base. If you do it immediately it will still be vulnerable by the time you get there. Continue amassing your forces in your base and have those troops join your commander's army and move on to the second base in the middle. There should be 2-3 Servitors in that base by the time you get there so capture those as well. Finally, move up to the northern end and destroy the base there.

Part 1
Part 3

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